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REC Dinner: Leaders in Innovative Philanthropy

This year, our Federation’s Real Estate & Construction (REC) Division annual dinner at the Century Plaza was an extraordinary event honoring Brian Shirken, recognizing the work of our Real Estate Principals Organization (RPO) and remembering community leader Sam Rosenwald z”l. The evening’s highlights were non-stop.

Following a video featuring an overview of the innovative model of philanthropy embodied by the RPO, and the strong influence of founding member Sam Rosenwald, the audience of 1,200 people was captivated by an unforgettable speech by Gita Rosenwald, Sam’s widow. She spoke warmly on behalf of her family, thanking the community for its outpouring of support and caring. Gita shared her thoughts on Sam, and especially his love for the Jewish community, Israel and the Jewish people; as well as the role we can all play in making Sam’s vision of a strong and enduring Jewish future a reality. Following her remarks, Jesse Sharf, REC Division Chair and the event’s emcee, let all in attendance know about the Sam Rosenwald Birthright Israel Fellowships, which will send even more Los Angeles young adults on this life-changing trip. Upon their return, the fellows will be matched with mentors in the Jewish community.

Rabbi Steven Leder of Wilshire Boulevard Temple made an impassioned plea for everyone to begin thinking now about what they want their legacy to be – before it’s too late. Sam Rosenwald’s passing serves as a stark reminder to us all that our time on Earth is very limited at best.
Dinner Chair Mark Weinstein, a colleague and close friend of Brian Shirken’s, introduced a tribute video that featured his friends, family members and business partners. In accepting the accolades of his peers from the real estate industry that filled the room to capacity, Brian told his personal story – one in which hard work, vision and innovation led to his success in both business and philanthropy. Brian also announced on behalf of himself and his wife, Kirsten, a lead gift of $100,000 to help launch the Federation’s Community Leadership Development Program. This new initiative will enable even more young professionals in Los Angeles to realize their potential in becoming leaders of our Jewish community.

Check our slide show featuring highlights from the dinner, and the after party:

For more information about the event, the REC Division or to contribute to one of the aforementioned initiatives, please contact Robyn Schneider at (323) 761-8302 or RSchneider@JewishLA.org.

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