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An Interview with Julie Platt: Mission to Russia

Julie Platt, Chair of the Board of Jewish Federation Los Angeles, recently traveled to Moscow and St. Petersburg with community leaders. Together they toured the cities, learned about the history and richness of Russian Jewish life, and visited a Jewish summer camp and community center, as well as other impactful programs supported by the Federation. This Federation mission to Russia was an incredible opportunity to see the work we accomplish together with our partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Jewish Agency for Israel, in action.

We sat down with Julie for an interview to hear more about her experience abroad and the value of traveling on a Federation mission.

Why did you decide to travel to Russia with the Federation?

Julie Platt (JP): I think there is nothing more impactful for our donors than seeing our work firsthand. Jay Sanderson and I chose to lead a Federation mission to Russia because we feel proud of the work we are doing to take care of the Jewish community and to reinvigorate Jewish life in the FSU [Former Soviet Union].

What did you learn about the Jewish community in Russia? Did you notice any similarities between the Jewish community in Russia and the Jewish community in Los Angeles?

JP: I was surprised at the freedom of religion that exists at this moment in the FSU and the numbers of Jews still living there, which by estimation nears 1 million. Visiting the Jewish summer camp outside of Moscow felt just the same as visiting a Jewish summer camp outside Los Angeles — young Jewish children learning Israeli dances and Hebrew vocabulary, just the same as our children. We felt the continuity of the Jewish community far away in the FSU just as it is all over the world.

How did it feel to see our work in Russia? Are you inspired by the revival of the Jewish community in Russia?

JP: We experienced life from young Jewish campers to Jewish seniors. Our support spans from a regrowth in Jewish life to taking care of those in the twilight years of their lives — this perfectly illustrates the impact of our work at the Federation, making a difference for people at all stages of their lives.

Why should people travel on missions with the Federation?

JP: We live in a very large Jewish community. The opportunity to travel with a small group of committed Jews makes our community smaller, and makes those on the trip feel much more deeply connected to what we do. They become ambassadors of the Federation, and we can’t have enough of those.

What experiences from the trip can you bring back to further inspire the Federation’s work in LA?

JP: I think we are very clear about our mission, and that mission extends from Los Angeles to the FSU to Israel. I feel very confident that our work is consistent wherever we find ourselves in the world. As our tagline says, “Touching every Jewish life in L.A., Israel and the world — starting with yours.”

What was one of the most memorable and impactful moments of the trip?

JP: My husband Marc and I joined with Judy and Tom Flesh to visit a beautiful senior in the apartment in which she was born. Our visit lifted her spirits and equally lifted ours.

What were some of the top highlights of the trip?

JP: In addition to my pride in our work, we also had the opportunity to experience the art, the culture and the food — all of which were thoroughly enjoyable.

Where else have you traveled to on Federation missions?

JP: Seeing the world through a Jewish lens while enjoying the food, art and history of each destination, is an experience I hope to repeat again and again and again. I have traveled now with the Federation to Berlin, Vienna, Argentina, Cuba, the FSU and Israel.  I can’t wait to travel together with the Federation next summer to Budapest!

If you are interested in traveling with the Federation, our upcoming Mission “Israel Unparalleled,” a world-class tour featuring innovative cuisine, collectible wines and beautiful art, is taking place September 18th–26th. For more information about Israel Unparalleled or any other Federation missions, please contact Mitch Hamerman at MHamerman@JewishLA.org or (323) 761-8133.


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