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Super Sunday Too: An Interview with Valley Alliance Campaign Co-Chair Lisa Hess

The Jewish Federation Valley Alliance just kicked off our second annual 100 Days of Giving on July 1st — and now it’s nearly time to kick our giving into high gear with Super Sunday Too! Join us and answer the call on Sunday, August 21st, and help us touch every Jewish life in Los Angeles, Israel and the world — starting with yours. We can’t do it without you!


Today, we’re excited to bring you this exclusive interview with Lisa Hess, who serves as the Valley Alliance Campaign Co-Chair, along with her husband George.

What is Super Sunday Too?

Lisa Hess (LS): Super Sunday Too is an extension of Super Sunday, our Federation’s annual phone-a-thon that is held in February every year. On Super Sunday, we raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to support the Federation’s essential community programs and partnerships — and Super Sunday Too is a way of bringing that energy and excitement back during the summer! For the second time this year, we will be welcoming volunteers to the Valley Alliance for a morning of phone calls, philanthropy, and fun.

Can you describe your involvement with the Federation?

LS: My husband George and I are currently serving as the Valley Alliance Campaign Co-Chairs. We are longtime believers in the mission of the Federation — because of that, for many years, we have made the Federation an important part of our lives. We have been lucky enough to travel on several Federation missions around the world, and have met many of our closest friends through Federation events and programs. We truly believe in the wonderful work we do here in Los Angeles, overseas, and in Israel.

Who does Super Sunday Too impact in the community? Who can be involved/participate?

LS: On Super Sunday Too we call as many people in our community as we possibly can — past donors, people who’ve come to our events, our cousins, friends, colleagues, and next-door neighbors! Anyone can be involved and anyone can participate — that’s one of the beautiful things about Super Sunday. Every year, I look forward to making calls and reaching out to people to share the wonderful work we do. I’m very excited to do my part on Super Sunday Too again this year!

What is your favorite part of Super Sunday and Super Sunday Too?

LS: My favorite part of Super Sunday is when I first arrive. When I walk through the doors of the Federation and see the smiling faces of the staff and so many friends, donors, and supporters ready to give their time to such a worthy case, it feels amazing — I am immediately energized and ready to start calling!

How does it feel to be among so many members of our Federation community on Super Sunday Too?

LS: Nothing could be better! When I’m on the phone and I look around the room and see so many people, all gathered together to pitch in on behalf of our Federation, I feel an enormous sense of pride. I feel so lucky to be a part of this community.

If you’d like to join us on Sunday, August 21st for our special Super Sunday Too phone-a-thon, we’d love to have you! For more information, please contact Rebecca Schalit-Newman at RSchalit-Newman@JewishLA.org or (818) 668-2339.



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