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Super Sunday 2015: We Came, We Learned, We Rocked the Phones

When our annual community phone-a-thon starts with a rockin’ band and a delicious breakfast you’d think it couldn’t get better.  But with every minute of Super Sunday 2015, the good feeling that comes from reaching out to our generous community members and raising life-changing funds for our Federation filled the room.  And since the ceilings at the gorgeous Guerin Pavilion at the Skirball Center are 36 feet high, that’s saying a lot.

By the end of the day, over 300 volunteers raised $1,241,576 to help our Federation support and sustain our Jewish community and ensure the future we share!

Those who were there for the early session enjoyed our first ever Federation in Focus, a presentation about how our Federation’s newest initiatives are addressing some of our community’s most pressing challenges – and heard directly from people whose lives have or will change as a result.

We heard about how Federation’s new Los Angeles Jewish Abilities Center will make a difference for Judy Marks, parent of an 18-year-old with developmental disabilities. We learned how our NuRoots initiative is helping Becca Frucht connect with other young adults in a new approach to Jewish life. Federation Senior Vice President Aaron Goldberg joined us from Israel to share the story of how we helped Michal Kakoon, a victim of this summer’s terror attacks. We heard about how our Israel Advocacy efforts help students on college campuses deal with anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activities.

As part of the morning program, we shared one of our new videos, featuring young children who articulate the transformation of our Federation.

Check out photos of our community in action on Super Sunday:

Super Sunday Co-Chairs Aaron Leff, David Melnick and Sheilah Miller kept everything rolling, as they announced the totals and inspired the room full of determined dialers.  Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to all three!

Many thanks to the Kol Echad Choir of Milken Community Schools for singing our national anthems and to Rabbi Morley Feinstein for his moving remarks on tzedakah.  We were honored by the presence and participation of nearly 20 elected officials and appreciated the phone-friendly enthusiasm of Diller Teen Fellows and their peers from Sherut L’Olam.  And we were thrilled to be joined by the 275 parents and children who came together for special PJ Library activities and a kid-friendly concert by Lisa Loeb.  When those kids are teens, we look forward to seeing them on Super Sunday 2025.  The technology will surely have changed by then, but the need for our community to come together and express our Jewish values by this hands-on support of the work of our Federation will stand the test of time!

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