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Red States, Blue States and the Jewish State

“This is the most informed group I’ll speak to this trip,” quipped Gil Hoffman, chief political correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post. Hoffman stopped by our Federation recently to share his insights on Israeli politics.

In honor of Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, Hoffman briefed members of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California and Federation staff on the political climate in Israel and its relationship to the upcoming U.S. presidential election, dubbing his topic “Red States, Blue States and the Jewish State.”

“What are Palestinians waiting for?” he asked the group. “They’re waiting for November – everything goes back to the American election. Prime Minister Netanyahu desperately wants President Obama to win because he helps Netanyahu out so much.”

Regarding Iran, Hoffman predicted, “Nothing is going to happen this summer, fall or winter with Iran. Next spring, I don’t know. Meanwhile, Israel is preparing to be attacked by Hezbollah – which has rebuilt all its long-range missile stocks to pre-Lebanon War levels (from 2006).”

Hoffman has interviewed Prime Minister Netanyahu, former prime ministers Olmert, Sharon, Peres and Barak and every major figure across the Israeli political spectrum. He frequently covers diplomatic issues, traveling with the prime minister and reporting on efforts to achieve Mideast peace and other key international developments.

The briefing was part of the ongoing Critical Issues Series presented by the Board of Rabbis of Southern California/Jewish Federation Los Angeles. For more information, contact BORadmin@JewishLA.org.


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