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Navigating Culture & Crossing Borders on Jay’s 4 Questions

Seven months ago, our Federation launched a weekly podcast called Jay’s 4 Questions to bring together the most interesting and influential thought leaders from around the world for dynamic, intellectual, intimate, and provocative conversations. In addition to discussing the greatest challenges our community faces, as well as the greatest opportunities that lie ahead, we also have fun as we cover food, culture, spirituality, and religion with chefs, comedians, actors, reporters, politicians, entrepreneurs, and more. This platform makes it possible to share Federation’s impact with listeners from over 70 countries, while highlighting incredible stories and perspectives from our diverse group of guests.

Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, joins me on next week’s episode to speak about his love for navigating culture and crossing borders, his passion for social change, public policy, and the impact we can all make in the world. This 30-minute conversation sheds light on his background, what propelled him into politics, and his day-to-day life. It was an honor to speak with Mayor Garcetti, and I am extremely proud of our Federation’s work with the Mayor’s Office and the City of Los Angeles to strengthen our Los Angeles community.

I hope you and your children tune in to Jay’s 4 Questions. It is of the utmost importance to hear different voices from our global community. These compelling conversations offer new perspectives, shed light on our accomplishments, and remind us of the work that still needs to be done. All the guests share their professional trajectory and journeys, as well as valuable career advice. I am honored to showcase these guests on Jay’s 4 Questions and ask you to please help us in spreading the word.

Tune in to Jay’s 4 Questions at JewishLA.org/Podcast or subscribe with iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, Spotify, or Stitcher!



This podcast offers something for everyone. Catch up with previous episodes featuring Bob Saget, Comedian; Aton Ben-Horin, Global VP of A&R at Warner Music Group; Gail Simmons, Top Chef Judge & Cookbook Author; Idan Raichel, Singer, Songwriter and World Musician; Rabbi Ed Feinstein, Senior Rabbi of Valley Beth Shalom; Rabbi David Wolpe, the Max Webb Senior Rabbi of Sinai Temple; David Suissa, Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish Journal; and more.

I also invite you to e-mail Podcast@JewishLA.org with your thoughts and questions.

Thanks for listening and Shabbat Shalom.

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO
Host, Jay’s 4 Questions

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