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Get Creative – Go to Cuba

As the old adage goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words” — and now, if it tells your story about our Federation, it could be worth a trip to Cuba or a GoPro® camera! Whether you choose to capture your ideas about our life-changing work in a story, photograph, or video, we invite you to Get Creative and Go to Cuba. All you have to do is submit your entry by July 31st and you’ll be entered to win.

The overall subject is “My Federation Story,” but the focus is up to you. It could be about a Community Service Day here in Los Angeles or a trip to Israel to see our work. It could be about being in the Tel Aviv-Los Angeles Twinning program or hearing a person who we help talk about their life. Explore your relationship with our Federation as you create your submission and then bring it to life when you join us on our next Mission to Cuba!

The medium is your choice:
Story — Send us a prose poem, a memoir, or an essay; no worries if you’re not a writer!
Photograph — Dial up your inner Instagram and make time stand still!
Video — Whether it’s a meme or a minute of hand-held magic, this is your chance to channel Steven Spielberg!

Don’t pass up this incredible opportunity to let your imagination run wild and get rewarded for it! Be sure to enter by July 31st to be eligible to win a trip to Cuba or a GoPro® camera — there can only be one grand prize winner, but there’s room for three runners-up.

Check out the contest website and Official Rules, and put your mind on paper, in a still image, or in a moving picture — we can’t wait to see it!

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