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Calling All Front Line Responders

Whether the call comes from a senior with no family, an immigrant who needs employment, or an incarcerated individual seeking an advocate, front line responders in our community need the best possible information to truly be of service. That’s why The Jewish Federation is hosting its next workshop on May 23rd: Seniors and Adult Populations in Need.

 The free workshop is being held at our Federation, and will provide an overview of Jewish services in Los Angeles including: senior services; Holocaust survivor, immigrant & resettlement, addiction, and incarcerated services; chaplaincy programs and more. There will also be a special D’var Torah by Rabbi Judith HaLevy, President of the Board of Rabbis and Rabbi of Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue.

The workshop schedule is as follows:

  • 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM Registration and Breakfast
  • 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM Program
  • 11:30 AM -12:30 PM Supplemental Session: Communicating Effectively with People in Need (lunch is included for those who register for this supplemental session).

Don’t miss out on being better equipped to make the right referrals – RSVP by May 16th!

Front line responders are staff providing information and referrals to community members, including those who may address inquiries as an informal part of their work. We encourage synagogue staff, school administrators, agency managers, program coordinators, social workers, administrative assistants, and all others who may be interested in attending.

For more information, or special accommodations for the deaf or hearing-impaired, please contact Jenna at JFields@JewishLA.org or (323) 761-8231.

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