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A Chanukah Celebration at City Hall

Last Friday, Jewish Federation Los Angeles held its Annual Chanukah Celebration at Los Angeles City Hall.

The program began with the singing of traditional Chanukah songs led by our emcee, Rabbi Morley Feinstein from University Synagogue and President of the Board of Rabbis.

Jay Sanderson, CEO & President of Jewish Federation Los Angeles, welcomed guests and city leaders alike to share in a wonderful menorah lighting ceremony.

Community leaders in attendance included Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Israeli Consul General David Segal, City Attorney Mike Feuer, Controller Ron Galperin and Rabbi Zachary Shapiro, as well as City Council Members Paul Koretz, Bob Blumenfield and Joe Buscaino. These distinguished individuals joined our Federation in lighting the menorah and each shared their personal thoughts on the importance of Chanukah themes. Federation Board Member Jesse Gabriel, Senior Vice President Catherine Schneider, and City Commissioner and Jewish Federation NLP Alumna Samantha Millman also spoke about the Jewish community’s work with our city’s leadership, and our shared goals for the future of Los Angeles.

Rabbi Feinstein led everyone in the Chanukah blessings and then invited all participants to enjoy traditional jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot).

Despite a morning of heavy rain, the celebration brought warmth, tradition and a festive atmosphere to the Rotunda of City Hall, and brought our Federation leadership together with our city’s elected leadership once again.

The Jewish Federation’s Community Engagement Strategic Initiative mobilizes the Los Angeles Jewish community to pursue an inclusive society that reflects the best of American and Jewish values, a strong Jewish future, and a safe and vibrant Israel. We do this by working to build a community with meaningful relationships and a better city and state. For more information about our Federation’s Community Engagement Strategic Initiative, please contact Catherine Schneider at (323) 761-8129 or CSchneider@JewishLA.org.

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