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The Six Day War Project – Video #6

June 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War (June 5-10, 1967) between Israel and the surrounding Arab countries. We are sharing with you a 12-part video series entitled Countdown to the Six-Day War Project. These videos, co-sponsored by The Jewish Federations of North America, track the events of May and June 1967, cover the conditions leading up to the war, and chronicle the events that took place on the six days of battle.

June 6, 1967: Day Two of the war. In the sixth video, watch how the Israeli Defense Force engaged Egyptian troops in the Sinai. Meanwhile, Israeli troops were positioned on the strategic mountaintop of Mount Scopus in Jerusalem overlooking the Old City. Learn what prevented Israel from firing on the Jordanian army in Jerusalem and follow the rest of the story as it unfolds.

The war was a pivotal event in the history of the Middle East, the Jewish people, and Israel-Diaspora relations. The Six-Day War Project depicts through film the dramatic and suspenseful events of 1967 that transformed the State of Israel.

The series concludes with several segments that examine the immediate effects of the war and long-term aftermath of this iconic chapter in the history of the Jewish state.

Stay tuned for the 7th video.

To learn more, please visit sixdaywarproject.org.

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