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My Experience in India with the National Young Leadership Cabinet

NYLC Mission to India participants this past February with Mumbai Jewish community members.

Dr. Robin Polansky is a member of National Young Leadership Cabinet (NYLC), a six-year leadership development program for the Jewish Federations of North America. This year, Dr. Polansky represented the Los Angeles chapter of NYLC on the annual study mission, which sends Cabinet members from different communities across North America to see our work overseas in partnership with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).

What did you learn on the trip that you can bring back to our Los Angeles community?

The Indian Jewish community is extremely small but mightily passionate about Judaism. There are only 4,400 Jews amongst a population of 1.2 billion Indians! It made me realize how easily we take our Jewish opportunities in Los Angeles for granted. I hope to share this reality with others locally as well as talk about all of the great ways The Jewish Federation is supporting the Jewish community in India.

How did you get involved with Jewish Federation Los Angeles?

I was on the Executive Board of the Young Adult Division of the San Francisco Federation when I moved to Los Angeles, so it was clearly a natural transition for me to continue this leadership by joining the Board of YALA (Young Adults of Los Angeles) shortly after my arrival in LA.

What prompted you to be a part of National Young Leadership Cabinet?

Since my term on the YALA Board ended, I have been extremely fortunate to serve as the Community Service Chair of our Federation’s Community Engagement Executive Committee. This has opened my eyes to many other facets of the Federation beyond young adult activities, including empowering me to apply for the National Young Leadership Cabinet.

Why should people apply to be part of the National Young Leadership Cabinet? How has this experience impacted your life?

I am nearly one year into being a member of National Young Leadership Cabinet and it has already opened so many doors for me, from developing amazing friendships to traveling to far-reaching places where the Federation makes an impact to leadership opportunities, and more. I was recently chosen to join the Cabinet leadership team as Social Action Co-Chair and take on responsibilities such as developing an international Cabinet community service day, organizing a Cabinet volunteer event during our summer retreat, and creating an open dialogue with Cabinet members about community service ideas and opportunities amongst all Federations.

For more information about NYLC in Los Angeles, please contact David at DHarris@JewishLA.org.

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