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Message on Iranian Attack on Israel + Special Briefing: Sunday, April 14th at 7:00 AM PT

While we do not under normal circumstances send communications on Shabbat, this attack by Iran against Israel is alarming and frightening. The launch of hundreds of drones and missiles further underlines the fact that the people of Israel are under constant threat.

Our Federation and the Jewish community of Los Angeles stand in unequivocal solidarity with our homeland. We are working with our partners on the ground in Israel to ensure the people of Israel have our full support and the necessary resources.

Our Community Security Initiative (CSI) is closely monitoring the situation and working with our law enforcement partners to identify and protect our local community from any threats. So far, no threats have been identified.

Israel will survive this attack and our global Jewish family will stand together as one as we pray for peace.

Our partners at Jewish Federations of North America are offering a special briefing on the evolving situation tomorrow, Sunday, April 14th, at 7:00 AM PT.

As always, for more up-to-date information, follow us @JFEDLA.

If you would like to support our ongoing response, please donate now.

Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Noah Farkas
President & CEO

Orna Wolens
Chair of the Board

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