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Happy Passover!

This week, in homes across our community, we will read in our Haggadot about our people’s Exodus from Egypt.  With that in mind, I’m writing today to let you know our Federation is writing a new Haggadah every day – thanks to your generous support.

The following is a true Federation Exodus story made possible because of you:

Recently, Ilyse (not her real name), a single mother in her mid-40s, came in to one of our partner agencies with her 10-year-old daughter, Sarah.  Ilyse works as a home healthcare worker and over the past few years, the availability of work has become terribly unsteady because of healthcare cuts.  Although she has taken every hour that has been given to her, it has not been enough to make ends meet. Last fall, she could no longer afford her apartment and made the tough decision to live in her car. To protect Sarah from being homeless, Ilyse arranged for her to stay different nights with her friends.

Ilyse is working to find an affordable permanent home and more steady work. In the meantime, she has had to borrow money for her expenses and has maxed out her credit card. 

Thankfully, through the network of social services our Federation helped create and we support, Ilyse was able to access essential resources and now has a roof over her head which helped her bring Sarah “home.”  However, she was not able to pay for registration on her car, the one asset she had left, which had been so vital to helping her survive.  She also could not afford her monthly medication for a chronic condition and was in desperate need of new eye glasses. 

Last month, Ilyse received a Jewish Federation Emergency Cash Grant to help her pay for her car registration, essential medicine, and new eye glasses.  With our assistance, and that of our partners, Ilyse has stabilized her situation and now has the ability to focus on her job search in order to provide a better life for herself and Sarah. 

On behalf of Ilyse, Sarah and the thousands of others of lives we’re able to touch in Los Angeles, Israel and around the world through your generosity, I thank you and wish you and your family a meaningful Pesach.

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