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A Very Special Hineni Society Dinner

From Left to Right: Steven & Jodie Fishman, Chuck Todd, Virginia Maas and Jay Sanderson

On March 2nd, our Federation’s most generous donors and families joined together to attend our annual Hineni Society Dinner at the Four Seasons.

The evening was chaired by Jodie & Steve Fishman and Frank & Virginia Maas. We were privileged to have Past Chairs of the Board Les Bider, Jake Farber, Irwin Field, Harriet Hochman, Michael Koss, and Richard Sandler recite the motzi. Cantor Emma Lutz of Stephen Wise Temple beautifully sang the Star Spangled Banner and Hatikva.

Federation President & CEO Jay Sanderson shared his thoughts on the importance of our Federation’s work ensuring the Jewish future and taking care of our community today. Federation Chair of the Board Julie Platt followed with a passionate appeal to the room full of leaders to not only join her in supporting the Federation, but also increasing their giving commensurate with the challenges and opportunities that Federation is addressing.

After dinner and conversation, the program resumed with longtime Federation supporter Ada Horwich encouraging everyone to join her this June 4-12 as she co-chairs The Jewish Federation’s Israel Unparalleled: a world-class tour featuring innovative cuisine, collectible wines, and astounding art. For more information, contact Mitch Hamerman at MHamerman@JewishLA.org.

Terri Smooke then introduced our guest speaker Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and Host of Meet the Press. Todd shared his informed perspectives on current events, the political environment, and increased anti-Semitism — both as a journalist and as an active member of the Jewish community.

To learn more about our Federation’s Hineni Society, e-mail LPolland@JewishLA.org.

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