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Special Needs Mission to Israel

You might know that Israel leads the world in cutting-edge technology, but did you know it has cutting-edge programs for those with disabilities? If not, read on – and get a first-hand report from the participants on our seven-day Special Needs Mission to Israel!  The diverse group includes families and professionals who are part of the Federation-funded HaMercaz initiative, leaders of the California disability rights community and dedicated Federation professionals.

From meetings with the kibbutzim of North Israel to attending conferences in Jerusalem, members of the Mission are discovering the incredible advances in special needs care and living in Israel. Spending time with some of the country’s top experts in the field, they are sharing best practices and building a collaborative relationship with our Israeli partners that will ultimately serve the adults with disabilities in both our communities. They are inspired and determined to make the most of this incredible opportunity to take a life and culture-changing road trip into the future we share.

Follow along on their dedicated blog.

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