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JFed Staffer Honored as Chaverim Shining Star

We’re proud to share that The Jewish Federation Valley Alliance campaign staffer Leah Kitz was honored this past Sunday by Jewish Family Service with the Shining Star Award for her volunteer work with Chaverim, a Federation-funded program providing services and support to developmentally disabled adults. For Leah (pictured above in the center – with Melanie Tasoff left and Gerry Dicker right), taking care of Jews in need isn’t just a Federation priority, it’s her personal mission as well.

During her Shining Star Award acceptance speech, Leah spoke of the lines from Perkei Avot, “Do not separate yourself from the community.”

“There is just something so truly inspiring about Chaverim clients and their energy and desire to be included as members of our community,” she said.  “For many of them, this is the only social outlet available to meet their special needs. I honor Chaverim for keeping them connected and not separated from our community.”

Leah, along with two other Shining Star honorees, Rachel Andres and Lisa Kodmur, was feted for her longtime dedication to Chaverim clients, with whom she has been associated since completing a Hebrew Union College graduate internship 10 years ago.  Chaverim event organizers Gerry Dicker and Melanie Tasoff presided over the festivities, which included performances by the Chaverim singers, who belted out several rock tunes intermittently during the program.

For more information on The Jewish Federation’s work caring for Jews in need, or on special needs issues, contact Lori Klein at (323) 761-8165 or LKlein@JewishLA.org.

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