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Jewish Poverty is Rampant in L.A.

Living amid the bright lights of Hollywood, pristine Rodeo Drive and the flashy Sunset Strip, it can sometimes be difficult for us to see real and pressing needs, even in our own community. Sure, there are plenty of movie stars and moguls among us. But it’s time for a reality check.

Right now, over 50,000 Jews in L.A. are living poverty. The circumstances that led to their situations may differ, but the challenges they face are frighteningly similar. They can’t find steady work. They don’t have enough money to pay rent. Their cabinets are bare. These are our brothers and sisters. These are our neighbors—and they desperately need our help.

As Jews, we have a responsibility to one another, to help support our people, especially those who are vulnerable and cannot support themselves. That’s why caring for Jews in need is one of our Federation’s top priorities. But we can’t make it happen without you. You can put your Jewish values into action and help a single mother whose kids are hungry. You can eliminate the shame she feels thinking there’s nothing she can do about it. You can do something about it.

Help ease the struggle for Jews in need our community by making your gift to The Jewish Federation today.

Even a small gift will help us provide a safety net for impoverished Jews of all ages to ensure that their basic needs are met. From financial assistance to nutritious meals, job counseling and more, together we can help Jews in Los Angeles emerge from poverty toward self-sufficiency.

Put yourself in their shoes. You’re hungry. You’re scared and overwhelmed by bills you cannot pay. What would it mean to you if your Jewish family reached out and took some of your struggle away?

With your gift, we can make sure that our local family is cared for, and that wherever Jews are in need, we are there to help

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