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The Trip of a Lifetime: Birthright Israel the LA Way

Over the years, Jewish Federation Los Angeles and Taglit-Birthright Israel have given the gift of a free trip to Israel to thousands of young L.A.-area Jews between the ages of 18 and 26. Our Federation’s unique LA Way trips provide added value to the typical Birthright Israel trip, as we bring together local participants for an experience that begins in Israel and continues with meaningful programming when they return home. We are proud to be sending six trips this Winter season. Registration opens on September 10th for first-time registrants. (September 9th for those who have registered in previous seasons.)

Sending 15 trips each year on average, our Federation strives to reach the thousands of young Angelenos who are waitlisted for trips or who have yet to apply.  That’s why we’re dedicating even more time and resources to the Birthright Israel program, by creating a fully staffed Birthright Israel Experience (BRIE) team. Working in partnership with trip organizers IsraelExperts, Israel Outdoors and Sachlav/Israel on the House, our Federation will send six buses of 240 participants to Israel in December and January. Two of these trips are new partnerships with Hillel 818 and Hillel at UCLA, organizations with whom we are strengthening our relationships, not only through Jewish experiences on campus, but off campus as well.

In addition to providing a connection back to the L.A. Jewish community, LA Way trips include special opportunities that not all Birthright Israel trips provide.  Most Birthright Israel trips bring in a group of Israelis for a mifgash (encounter), a 5-day program during which participants travel with and get to know their Israeli peers. Our LA Way trips host Israeli students and soldiers for the entire 10 days of the trip, acknowledging the importance of creating connections and community between American and Israeli Jews.

So if you’re an L.A. local who’s applying for Birthright Israel, or if you know someone who is interested in the experience of a lifetime, choose one of our LA Way trips and help spread the word—you’ll travel with other Jews from L.A., develop long-lasting relationships with other participants during the trip, meet your Israeli peers and become more connected locally.  

For more information about how to register the LA Way, please visit www.JewishLA.org/birthright.

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