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Wishing You a Meaningful Pesach

Tonight, most of us will sit at our Seder tables with our families and our friends to share a powerful experience with Jews and many non-Jews across the globe. Although the story has been told for hundreds of years, the retelling is unique in almost every home. It is a story of our people’s redemption from slavery in Egypt and it transcends denominations and nationalities. We can all relate to the story because all of us, at sometime in our lives, have felt the burden of being enslaved and the elation of feeling free.

This year, I am adding a tradition to my Seder started by the late Hassidic Rebbe Naftali Tzvi Horowitz. At his Seders, he had all the participants pour a small amount of their wine into Elijah’s Cup. He wanted everyone to make a personal contribution to our redemption. I sincerely hope you will consider joining me in adding this to your experience as well. There is powerful symbolism in this action. Each drop of wine helps fill the cup. Each one of us can make a difference.

At the Federation, this tradition gives strength and deepens our commitment to take care of the most vulnerable among us, including our frail elderly and those living with learning, physical and emotional challenges — one individual and one family at a time.

Pesach reminds us that we are stronger as a community when we sit together and listen to each other and share our common history and traditions.

On behalf of the extraordinary staff and lay leaders of The Jewish Federation, I wish you and your family a meaningful Pesach and peace and freedom for all those who struggle and suffer here in our community and around the world.

Chag Sameach,

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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