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Coming Together as a Community

Our Federation is deeply committed to the safety, security, vibrancy, and strength of Jewish Los Angeles. While the past few weeks have tested us — as individuals and as a Jewish community — I have been inspired by the way we have come together to support one another. Our leaders, professionals, and community members have all exemplified intense dedication to making sure we are all safe, we can recover, and we can move forward.

I recently had the opportunity to share our Federation’s role in the aftermath of the recent tragedies, traumas, and crises we have faced. I hope you will read my op-ed in the Jewish Journal and listen to my podcast with David Suissa. They will give you a deeper understanding of what our Federation does in times of crisis. We were able to mobilize so quickly to assist so many — individuals, families, organizations, synagogues, schools, and more — because of your support. You helped create the infrastructure that prepared us for anything and everything: from the social services we provided through our Ezra Network to the enhanced safety measures implemented by our Community Security Initiative to the programming we offered, and beyond. We did not hesitate when it was time to convene, to lead, to help, and to make an impact.

As we gathered with our families and friends for Thanksgiving this week, we were reminded of what is important. On behalf of the Federation, we are profoundly grateful for your generosity and support.

This year, we especially feel the power of community.

With gratitude,

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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