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An Interview with Evan Lindenmayer

Evan Lindenmayer joined the Federation’s Young Adult Committee in January 2018 and first became involved through one of NuRoots’ quarterly newcomers’ brunches. An avid mountain climber, he spends his free time on long outdoor adventures and leading the NuRoots Hiking Cluster. Check out our interview with Evan about community, Los Angeles, tradition, and more!

Ma Nishma? (what are you up to right now?)

I’m currently working as a producer for an entertainment sports branding and marketing agency called Troika. We work on branding and marketing campaigns for the biggest brands and names in the world of sports and entertainment.  Basically, we talk sports, movies and TV all day and figure out ways to get more people to watch!  When I’m not in the office, I’m pursuing my other passions of climbing mountains, other outdoor adventurous activities, and giving back via the Federation!

What inspired you to start the philanthropic journey you’re on?

I have been very blessed with many things in my life and always felt that it’s important to give back and volunteer my time for those less fortunate or for causes that benefit the underprivileged. Volunteering my time with the Federation is a perfect way to both volunteer for an organization I strongly believe in and give back to those in need.

What defines Jewish culture or tradition for you?

To me, Jewish culture and tradition are centered around family and inclusion. One of my favorite aspects of Jewish culture is that we don’t discriminate and are an inclusive safe haven for anyone and everyone.

You know you’re from/live in L.A. when….

It’s January and you find yourself sitting on the beach when most of the country is sitting by the fire.

Why is this Jewish community important? Why should others get involved?

Because it’s communities like ours that are securing the Jewish future and ensuring that the Jewish tomorrow is better than the Jewish today.

What is a Jewish tradition/ritual you think is nice/meaningful that you want to be doing now/still doing 10 years from now?

I like all traditions that serve as a catalyst for bringing family and friends together to socialize and eat delicious food! I hope to continue taking every opportunity to keep these good times rolling well into the future!

What’s a lesson you’ve learned along your journey that you want to remind your future self?

Take every day one day at a time. Focus on working hard each day and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. If you follow this rule, things tend to work out alright.

Something you’re still working on?

Trying to simply do good in the world on a daily basis. There is unfortunately already so much hate, violence, and oppression, and I feel that it’s my responsibility to try to do my small part to help make things better.

Did you have a bar mitzvah? What did it look like?

I had a fairly standard bar mitzvah — with one key difference: at the beginning of the service, my rabbi pulled out the hat I wore every day of 7th grade and placed it on my head in place of my yarmulke, as it suited me much more appropriately. I don’t know anyone else who wore a baseball cap during their bar or bat mitzvah!

A question you’ve always wanted to ask a rabbi?

What exactly is whispered to each person at the altar during their bar or bat mitzvah? Having had one, I should know, but my memory is failing me!

A past trend that you wish would come back?

Everything from the 1980s. Fluorescent and neon clothing, Hammer pants, fanny packs, flat tops, hair metal — I want it ALL to come back.

The world could use a little more:

Peace, and people working TOGETHER instead of AGAINST each other.

Up to 3 recommendations each for where to eat, where to drink, and where to hang out in L.A.

Eat: Griddle Café or Bay Cities Deli

Drink: Saddle Ranch or Cabo Cantina

Hang Out: 3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica or The Grove

NuRoots mobilizes people in their 20s and 30s to build meaningful communities across Los Angeles. In collaboration with community members and inspired by Jewish culture, heritage, wisdom, and values, NuRoots brings people together to reimagine Jewish life through creative experiences and gatherings of various sizes. To learn more, visit www.yaJewishLA.org or e-mail NuRoots@JewishLA.org.

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