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The Growing Problem of Higher Education in Los Angeles

Jewish Federation Los Angeles is concerned with issues that impact the Jewish people — and we also care deeply about our local community. That’s why we formed our Community Engagement Council (CEC), a gathering place for individuals who are passionate about community, networking with political and thought leaders, and creating a better Los Angeles for us all. CEC hosts captivating programs once a quarter to provide a platform to hear from people who are making an impact on our city. And, this month, in response to the growing problem of higher education in L.A., CEC is proud to host a remarkable panel to discuss the Impact of the Rising Costs of Higher Education on Thursday, April 7th.

If you’re on the fence about attending an event centered on this critical topic, consider this:  L.A.’s colleges are the bedrock of our community. If our schools are viewed in a positive light and properly prepare students for either the workplace or for transfers to four-year universities, Los Angeles is seen as a desirable city, not only for students to attend college, but for young families who are planning their futures. But if our community colleges are failing our students, what kind of Los Angeles are we leaving for future generations — and what does that say about us?

Moreover, saturated college campuses are forcing us to question if capacity is an issue. Do we have enough spots for all students who want to further their education? And if we do, are we simply overcrowding classes and giving students less access to professors?

Not to mention that we’ve all seen tuitions rise exponentially over the past decade, which has its own ramifications, from insurmountable student debt to inaccessibility. Where does it all end — and are we doing everything we can to make college affordable and attainable for all?

If these questions concern you, or if you simply care about the state of our greater community, then join us on April 7th!

Our panel of education experts includes:

  • Dr. Francisco Rodriguez – Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District
  • Michele Siqueiros – President of The Campaign for College Opportunity
  • George T. Caplan – Education activist and former Commissioner, California Postsecondary Education Commission and President, Board of Governors of California Community Colleges
  • Avi Oved – UC Student Regent on the University of California Board of Regents
  • Assembly Speaker Emeritus John A. Pérez – California’s 68th Assembly Speaker who helped pass the Middle Class Scholarship Act for affordability and accessibility of higher education

“We are so thrilled and honored to host this extraordinary panel,” said Amy Shpall, our Federation’s VP of Community Engagement Programs. “To have all of these community leaders and champions for education in one room is rare and exciting. I strongly encourage our community to take this unique opportunity to hear from them, ask questions and join others who care about this issue.”

Don’t let our troubled educational system continue a downward spiral — be a part of the solution by participating in this discussion!

For more information about this event or about our Community Engagement Council, please contact Beth Kaiser or call (323) 761-8331.

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