Israeli start-ups
From Generation to Generation with The Hebrew Mamita
Join us on October 1st for D2: L’Dor V’Dor, a vibrant and entertaining brunch for women of all generations. Featuring guest speaker Vanessa Hidary, also known as “The Hebrew Mamita,” this event is sure to be both relevant and meaningful. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience at the beautiful Beverly Hills home of Jeanne…
Federation Volunteers Wrap Up the Jewish Year on a High Note
“Federation volunteers wrapped up the Jewish year on a high note by participating in various community service projects across Los Angeles. From beach clean-ups to mock interviews with underserved students, our dedicated volunteers made a positive impact. Join us for our next community service program, Tour de Summer Camps, and help raise money for Jewish…
Birthright participants, Chabad of the Conejo, Chabad of the Conejo’s Sunshine Club, Community Service Day, fun, Heal the Bay’s Adopt-A-Beach program, Hollywood Community Housing Corporation, HYPE, Jewish children, Jewish Family Violence Project, Jewish summer camp, Jewish year, local organizations, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Jewish Home, Middle school students, parents, Pico-Union neighborhood, Private High Schools, Santa Monica Beach, school supply kits, Sunshine Club, The Jewish Family Violence Project, Tour de Summer Camps, Tzedakah, volunteers, YALA, Young Adults, Young Adults of Los Angeles -
”Birthright Israel Was Amazing…”: But Now What?
Looking for ways to engage with the Jewish community after your Birthright Israel trip? Jewish Federation Los Angeles offers fellowship programs, like the Kahn Fellowship and the BRIdge Fellowship, that encourage leadership and social engagement. Connect with local organizations and resources, and share your creative programming ideas. Contact Margalit Rosenthal at or 323-761-8208.
Nothing About Us Without Us
Jewish Federation Los Angeles is conducting a community survey to understand the perspectives of Jewish adults with special needs in the city. This survey will help create a comprehensive plan to serve this community. Individuals 18 years or older with special needs are invited to take the survey, and assistance is available if needed. Complete…
Rabbi Rick Jacobs Inspires Rabbis at High Holy Days Conference
Rabbi Rick Jacobs inspires rabbis at the annual High Holy Days Conference in Southern California. He discusses the importance of leading change and including those on the outside. Other workshops and discussions cover topics such as gun violence prevention and prayer needs. Participants praise Jacobs’ speaking style and the opportunity to reconnect with colleagues.
Call for Capital Improvement Proposals
USC Hillel building renovated with funding and consulting by RPO. The Real Estate Principals Organization (RPO) is requesting proposals from nonprofit Jewish organizations seeking funding and consultation for real estate projects. RPO provides assistance for new construction, renovation, and repair of infrastructure. Grants are made to organizations aligned with the Federation’s strategic initiatives. Deadline for…
Update from Ashalim
Experience the Ayalim program in Ashalim and discover Israel’s present and future challenges. Immerse yourself in a friendly and hospitable community, where the importance of improving the Negev is emphasized. Explore the diversity of the land, from desert oases to lush forests. Make a difference by building and giving back to Israeli society. Join us…
Shabbat in the Park
Join us for Shabbat in the Park, a celebration of Jewish communal pride and spirit. Enjoy a unique Shabbat service led by clergy from multiple synagogues, arts and crafts, a drum circle, and a concert with musician Ari Herstand. Don’t miss out on the next opportunity to celebrate Shabbat as a community with our Federation’s…
Ari Herstand, arts, arts and crafts, challah cover, fridge magnet, friends and family, Jewish, Jewish communal pride, Jewish Federation Valley Alliance, Jewish values, kid-friendly tzedakah box, lighting candles, melachot, musician Ari Herstand, PJ Library, pre-schoolers, Rabbi Jon Hanish, recipes, Rochelle Cohen, Shabbat, Shabbat candles, Shabbat dinner, Shabbat in a Box, Shabbat in the Park, shared Jewish values, synagogue, Temple Kol Tikvah, tzedakah box, unique Shabbat service, Valley synagogues, values -
2013 Ayalim Participants Anticipate Israel
Renewing the Zionist ideal, strengthening communities, student and entrepreneur social justice villages, building component of the trip, hands-on volunteering, immersive Hebrew culture, Ayalim embodies contributing to Israel, reinvigorating Zionist ideals, original settlers of the Zionist movement, diversity of Israel, sense of community, giving back to the homeland, learning about the economy and social issues, historical…
Ayalim, Birthright Israel, Community Service, Hebrew culture, history of Israel, Israel, Israel trip, Israeli politics, kibbutz movement, Los Angeles Jewish Federation, meet people, Negev, Operation Pillar of Defense, original settlers, Palestinian peace crises, Taglit-Birthright program, Volunteer, Volunteering, volunteers, Young Adults, Zionist, Zionist ideal -
Ride for the Jewish Future!
Join us on October 27th for The Jewish Federation’s Tour de Summer Camps, a cycling event that raises funds for scholarships to Jewish summer camps. Former campers are more Jewishly engaged and connected to Israel. Register as an individual or recruit friends to start fundraising for this meaningful cause. Choose from three routes and help…
Our Extended Family in the Baltics
Discover our impactful visit to the Baltics and the Jewish summer camp, Camp Olameinu. With the support of JDC and our Federation, these children are able to express their Judaism through singing in Hebrew and wearing kippot. Join us as we learn about Klal Yisrael and show the Jewish community in Vilnius that they are…
From Memory to Identity: Reclaiming Jewish History in Vilnius
Discover the shared history and identity of Jewish communities in Vilnius, Lithuania, Los Angeles, and Tel Aviv. Learn about the challenges faced by Jewish communities today and how educators are working to make Jewish life meaningful and vibrant. Explore the power of communal and individual Jewish memories to strengthen Jewish identity and create connections between…
A Frank Conversation with Assembly member Holly Mitchell
Assembly member Holly Mitchell, one of the state’s most successful legislators, discusses pressing issues facing Los Angeles and California in a frank conversation with Jewish leaders. Mitchell emphasizes the need for community engagement in the civic and political process, particularly in light of recent state budget cuts affecting underserved communities. Join The Jewish Federation’s Community…
advocating for Israel, Angelenos, Assembly member Holly Mitchell, California, Century City, Culver City, early childhood education, Fairfax District, Frank Conversation, funding, funding for healthcare, future of our city, healthcare, Holly Mitchell, hunger, illiteracy, Jewish Community, Jewish Federation, Jewish leaders, Jews, legislators, Los Angeles, mental health services, service and volunteer opportunities, South L.A., state budget cuts, successful legislators, thought leaders, volunteer opportunities -
Rabbi Jonathan Bernhard Charges Leaders to Focus on Acts
Rabbi Jonathan Bernhard charges leaders to focus on acts of loving-kindness and stepping out of their comfort zone to make the world a better place. He emphasizes the importance of nurturing others through acts of hesed, such as providing food and water, visiting the sick, and providing education. Rabbi Bernhard’s inspirational message and accessible teaching…
Bringing a Nobel Prize Winner’s Words to Life: Isaac Bashevis Singer and His Artists
Discover the captivating exhibition “Isaac Bashevis Singer and His Artists” at The Bell Family Gallery. Delve into the works of 17 renowned artists whose illustrations bring Singer’s timeless novels and stories to life. Immerse yourself in the vanished world of Polish Jewry and experience the poignant history preserved within these treasured tales. Don’t miss this…
From First to Twelfth Night…
The Jewish Federation’s Holy Land Democracy Project took non-Jewish educators on a journey through Israel. From dancing at the Western Wall to exploring the Golan Heights, participants experienced the rich history and culture of Israel. This program aims to bring Israel to classrooms, with over 3,000 students set to learn about Israel through the HLDP…
Arab start-up, Bethlehem, David Ben-Gurion, Ethiopian immigrants, former IDF soldiers, G_d, Glendale Unified School District, Golan Heights, Golda, Greater Los Angeles, Holy Land Democracy, Holy Land Democracy Project, IDF soldiers, Independence Hall, Israel, Israeli, Israeli families, Israeli-Arab start-up businessmen, Jaffa Street, jeep tour, Jeeps, Jerusalem, Jewish Federation, Kotel, Moshav of the Mishna, Nazareth, PUC Charter School consortium, Rabbi, Rabbi Fivel, Rabbi Hal, Rabbi Hal Greenwald, Rabin Museum, second nation, Shabbat, students, Sun Valley, Tachlis, Tel Aviv, Western Wall