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Share A Birthday Wish with the World

Submit your video or sign a birthday card with your Rosh Hashanah wish for the world

This Rosh Hashanah, The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) wants to know: What’s Your Birthday Wish for the World?

Every year, JFNA produces a High Holiday video used in communities across the U.S. and Canada.  This year, they want you to be the star!

JFNA wants to feature you in their video. All you have to do is take out your video camera or smart phone and record a video of yourself wishing the world a Happy Birthday in 30 seconds or less. Be sure to include your specific wishes for the world to become a better place in the coming year. Those wishes should reflect Jewish values, of course!

If your video is one of the clips they pick, you’ll be featured in this year’s JFNA Rosh Hashanah video.

Hurry up and submit your own because the deadline is July 22, 2012!

Want to know more?
JFNA has provided a Frequently Asked Questions document for reference. And before you enter, please make sure to review the Official Submission Rules. We look forward to seeing what you have to say, and sharing some great Rosh Hashanah wishes with the world!

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