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Our 2017 Major Gifts Evening: A Celebration of Community and Commitment

It was truly a celebration of community and commitment at Jewish Federation Los Angeles’ recent 2017 Major Gifts Evening, held at Stephen Wise Temple on March 8th.

More than 200 guests joined us to hear from noted political analyst and journalist David Gregory, who flew in from Washington, D.C. to share with us his Jewish journey. He spoke about his recent book How’s Your Faith? based on a conversation he had years ago while in the White House covering President George W. Bush. Gregory’s presentation was moving and emotional, particularly when he shared that he had become a bar mitzvah in the sanctuary next door to the very ballroom in which we all sat!

Throughout the evening, guests heard important updates about the state of the Jewish community here in Los Angeles and around the world, and they were thanked for their generous continued support of the Federation and our many partners.

From Left to right: Event Chairs and Vice Chairs Ron & Jan Field, Stewart & Arlene Bloom,
and Jodie & Steven Fishman

The Major Gifts Evening raised more than half a million dollars in support of the impactful work of The Jewish Federation from some of our most committed and generous donors. Special thanks to our Chairs Arlene & Stewart Bloom and Jodie & Steven Fishman and Vice Chairs Jan & Ron Field for their hard work in making this evening such a success!

For more information about Major Gifts, please contact Janet Gilmore at (818) 668-2336 or JGilmore@JewishLA.org.

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