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Meet The Network – The Federation’s Leadership Program Alumni Community!

For graduates of Federation leadership development programs, The Network provides opportunities to reunite, expand networks, share knowledge, gain skills, and give back to the Jewish community through events dedicated to community leadership and philanthropy. Even after graduation, the Federation continues to provide alumni of our leadership programs with a platform for enhanced training and resources to serve as L.A.’s best and brightest lay leaders.

The Network’s inaugural “In The Chair With The Chair” event started 2017 off with a bang. The evening brought together more than 100 Federation alumni to hear community leader and philanthropist Michael Milken interviewed by Chair of The Jewish Federations of North America Board of Trustees Richard Sandler.

Jay Sanderson, President & CEO of Jewish Federation Los Angeles, opened the program by expressing, “the most important day of a leadership program is the day after [the program ends].” The Network leverages the post-program momentum as our graduates seek opportunities for continued engagement within the L.A. Jewish community.

The evening was filled with inspiring lessons and engaging conversation as Sandler interviewed longtime friend Milken about his professional journey, significant global trends, technology, and community involvement. When asked about his philanthropic beginnings, Milken said that even at a young age he focused on the idea of there being a chance or opportunity for everyone. He tried to see the world through other people’s eyes — a mindset that drove him into the community at a young age. He went on to share that, “the importance of giving back, Tzedakah, is core to Jewish values and essential for success.” This is at the heart of his giving of time and resources to community and philanthropic efforts.

These two influential leaders offered insight into their personal leadership journeys and gave attendees inspiration and direction for their own. Network members learned ways to lead of meaningful lives and focus their leadership efforts on the future of the Jewish community and the world.

Are you a graduate of a Federation leadership development program (including CLI, EILI, Edah, Geller, NLP, NYLC, PreseTense, RJCLP and YLDI)? Be sure to join The Network’s Facebook group as we continue to grow and offer dynamic programs and events!

The Network includes: Community Leadership Institute (CLI), Edah, Entertainment Industry Leadership Institute (EILI), Geller Leadership Project, National Young Leadership Cabinet, PresenTense, Rautenberg New Leaders Project (NLP), Russian Jewish Community Leadership Program (RJCLP) and Young Leadership Development Institute (YLDI).

For more information, please contact Shannon Rahbarpour at SRahbarpour@JewishLA.org.

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