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Meet our Rider,
Alexandra Kaplan:
Tour de Summer Camps 2017

On Sunday, October 29th, Jewish Federation Los Angeles will proudly hold our 5th annual Tour de Summer Camps, the community-wide cycling and hiking fundraiser that helps provide scholarships to send more of our kids to Jewish summer camp and help them build a lifelong connection to Jewish identity and values. This is the first year a hike has been added, bringing even more fun to this family and community-filled day!

This year, we are profiling a few of our riders and hikers to find out why they participate in Tour de Summer Camps and what Jewish summer camp means to them.

Meet Alexandra Kaplan, who will be riding for the second time in Tour de Summer Camps!

Why did you decide to participate in Tour de Summer Camps this year?

I decided to participate in Tour de Summer Camps because I would like to raise money to give other kids the opportunities that I have had to experience amazing summers at a Jewish summer camp (Ramah). Every Jewish child who wants to attend Jewish summer camp should have that opportunity. It’s also a great way to get exercise while supporting an important cause.

How many miles are you riding/hiking?

This will be my second year riding 18 miles.

Are you on a team?

Yes! Ramah Roadies and Ramblers!

What are you most excited about for the upcoming ride/hike?

I’m excited to push myself again and to ride with all of my friends for such an amazing cause.

How are you preparing/training?

I’ve been going to the gym to increase my stamina and build muscle, but other than that I am planning on just giving it my all on the day of the ride.

Can you tell us a little bit about your time at Jewish summer camp?

I spent nine summers at Camp Ramah in California, celebrating 8 of my 17 birthdays with my Ramah family.

What impact did camp have on your life?

Camp Ramah has been my home away from home for about 10 years now. Ramah provides me with a community and definitely a second family. Camp has taught me how to be the best version of myself and how to “get into an activity” if I can’t “get out of it.” (Camp joke.) It has taught me basic values and valuable lessons that will continue to impact my life in the future. Each year, I get to come back to camp where I spend my summer with my best friends and just live Jewishly.

Why is it important for you to support Tour de Summer Camps?

It is important that other kids also have the chance to experience Jewish summer camp because no matter which camp they go to, they will have a meaningful and impactful experience that they will remember for the rest of their lives.


Each year, hundreds of community members fundraise for months, do training rides and hikes, and join us to either bike 18, 36, 62, or 100 miles or hike 1, 3, or 6 miles on a day filled with activity, community, and fun.

To sign up for Tour de Summer Camps, please visit www.tourdesummercamps.org. Looking forward to October 29th and sending more kids to Jewish Summer Camp!

Questions? Please email MHamerman@JewishLA.org.

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