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Federation Impact Update — June 2024

Our June Impact Update focuses on the Jewish value of kavod, treating others with dignity. Kavod is foundational to Judaism. We affirmed our commitment to kavod over the past month with meaningful programs grounded in the values of the honor and respect we feel for our community.


We will always protect our right to safely and respectfully practice Judaism. After anti-Israel protesters in the Pico- Robertson area physically attacked Jews attempting to enter their synagogue on June 23rd, we took action to defend our basic rights. The day after the violence, we helped organize a press conference in coordination with Councilwoman Katy Yaroslavsky during which Mayor Karen Bass, numerous elected leaders, and our partners in law enforcement denounced the violence and formulated a plan to protect our community. Later that week, we hosted a public security webinar with our partners ADL Los Angeles and Community Security Service attended by over 1,500 community members. Mayor Bass, security experts, elected officials, and our law enforcement partners addressed our safety concerns and outlined the actions they were taking to ensure our community can worship in peace.

If you missed the webinar, please watch it by visiting JewishLA.org/Security.


Holocaust survivors are sacred members of Jewish Los Angeles. To honor them, our Caring for Jews in Need team supported Holocaust Survivor Appreciation Day on June 6th with help from Seed the Dream Foundation’s generous grant and in partnership with Jewish Family Service LA. Over 30 survivors came together for a glass fusion art project, then enjoyed a catered kosher lunch during which pianist/singer Greg Delson regaled attendees with music. A few survivors in the audience even grabbed the mic to joyfully sing traditional Jewish songs. The survivors felt the respect and love of a community that cares for them.

Learn more about the vital work of our Caring for Jews in Need team by visiting JewishLA.org/CJIN.


The courage to share stories of survival must be honored. On June 14th, we hosted a conversation featuring Danielle Sasi and Lion Piv, two October 7th survivors who were at the Nova Music Festival. The conversation was moderated by Sinai Temple Senior Rabbi Nicole Guzik and was supported by Assemblymembers Wendy Carrillo and Mike Gipson. The survivors bravely shared their compelling and heartbreaking accounts of the terrorist attack that forever changed their lives. Events like these are vital for our community. They help us heal by cherishing the memory of the fallen while also elevating the inspiring resilience of the survivors.

This important event was covered by the Jewish Journal. Read the story by visiting JewishLA.org/Oct7Survivors.

JFEDLA acts on shared values to create safe, joyful, and connected Jewish life in Los Angeles, Israel, and around the world. We care for our vulnerable by fighting poverty and combating antisemitism. We inspire by fostering Jewish journeys, building bridges, and developing leaders. Our dedicated partners, passionate staff, and your generosity make our work possible.

To make a gift, please visit JewishLA.org/Donate.