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Federation, Fundraising and Friendship: The Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby & Lion of Judah 2013 Luncheon

On February 13th, over  400 of our community’s most generous women gathered together at the Beverly Hills Hotel for The Jewish Federation’s annual Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby & Lion of Judah luncheon.  Celebrating the power of women and raising nearly $3.5 million for all of our Federation’s life-changing work, this year’s luncheon honored community leaders Terri Smooke and Karmi Monsher, and featured a keynote address by documentary filmmaker Rory Kennedy, daughter of the late Robert Kennedy. 

Recipient of the 2013 Lea Rabin Award , Terri Smooke, shared how her mother taught her “apathy is not an option,” something she’s really taken to heart during her 40-plus years with our Federation’s Sylvia Weisz Women’s Campaign.  Terri said, “The best things in my life, the best friends that I have, come from our Federation.” The Lea Rabin Award, the most prestigious award given by the Women’s Campaign, is awarded each year to a Lion at the Chai level who represents the highest standard in leadership.

Accepting the 2013 Ruby Award for success in Women’s Campaign leadership roles and a strong commitment to community service, Karmi Monsher graciously thanked her fellow “lionesses.” She spoke passionately about our Federation’s impact within our community, noting how incredible it is that with the help of everyone in the room and other Federation donors, we’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for grants and scholarships to help send local children to Jewish summer camp. 


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Lynn Bider, Chair of the Sylvia Weisz Women’s Campaign, made an impassioned case for giving. We also heard from Michelle Wolf about her personal experience with HaMercaz, a partnership between our Federation and Jewish Family Service that offers ongoing assistance, advocacy and support to local Jewish families of children with developmental disabilities.  

After a delicious meal, we were joined by Emmy® award-winning filmmaker and social activist Rory Kennedy. The emotion in the room was palpable as Ms. Kennedy transitioned from sharing charming family anecdotes to screening clips from her eye-opening social justice documentaries. 

Kennedy’s work reminded us that we have the power to change lives, and to individuals like those highlighted in her documentaries, our efforts make all the difference in the world. She also played a promotional clip from Ethel, a documentary that provides an intimate look at the life of her mother, Ethel Kennedy, speaking directly to the power of women, a subject near and dear to all Lions. 

The women who are at the Lion of Judah giving level make an annual gift of $5,000 or more to our Federation’s Annual Campaign; those at the Ruby level give a minimum of $10,000; Chai, $18,000; Emerald, $25,000; and Zahav members are at the highest level of giving with a minimum annual donation of $50,000 or more.  And, beyond being recognized for their extraordinary generosity at five esteemed levels of giving, being a Lion is about philanthropy and shared values; before, during, and after the event, the Lions in attendance excitedly connected with both old friends and new. 

For more information about the luncheon or our Women’s Campaign, please contact Karen Sternfeld at (323) 761-8224 or Leah Kitz at (818) 668-2340. 

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