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Diller Teen Fellows Awesome North American Seminar

Just before Passover, we, the Los Angeles Diller Teen Fellows Cohort 5, met our counterparts from Tel Aviv. We were excited and nervous to welcome them into our community and our homes, not knowing what to expect from them or the LA-TA Diller North American Seminar. Many feared the worst, many hoped for the best. 10 days later our Israeli counterparts left, and now we miss them more than anything! What happened during this short time that bonded us so strongly with these 19 amazing Tel Avivians?

We started out at Camp JCA Shalom for a weekend of ice-breakers, the “journey of bread and water”, a great Shabbat, and loads of delicious food. Contrary to usual Los Angeles weather, it rained throughout most of the weekend. Still, the spirits of Cohort 5 were not dampened in the least. Stepping off of the bus, we Angelenos were a little apprehensive to see our Israeli buddies that we had only communicated with through the internet, mainly on Facebook and Skype. After a cute introduction, we talked with them for the first time. I have to admit, I didn’t know exactly what to say to my buddy. However, after that weekend, everything changed, and I found my buddy to be someone who I related to on numerous levels.

Some on Spring Break and some still in school, the cohort started the week with Universal Studios. That night, we all gathered at the Kashani home for a lovely opening reception. Monday started the week off with a big kick, and each day brought something new. The Israelis (and some Americans) visited the Federation (to learn about community), the Freda Mohr Center (a social center for seniors), the Museum of Tolerance, the Grove, Kadima Day School (to teach Hebrew), a few Valley high schools (to see what American schools are like), and many more LA hotspots. Every day, the Israelis returned with stories to tell and eyelids drooping from exhaustion.

On our last weekend together, we started by taking our buddies to different synagogues, exposing the Israelis to various branches of Judaism and levels of religious observance that exist here in the states. That night, we met at Griffith Observatory for a rather rainy, but enjoyable Havdallah service under what would have been the stars. On Sunday we met at Venice Beach in the Shul on the Beach for a final “journey of bread and water” and a scavenger hunt. That night, the Strouds held a closing reception at their home and the majority of the cohort slept over at the house. The next morning, we said a tearful goodbye to our counterparts as they departed for home.

Although the Israelis are not in our homes anymore, they are still in our hearts and ALL OVER our Facebooks. We knew exactly when their flight landed, as our notifications grew with statuses, pictures, and tags flooding and still gracing our walls.

Our North American Seminar was an incredible experience and we anxiously await our trip to Tel Aviv this coming July. These three and a half months cannot pass fast enough!

L’hitraot!  Until next time!

The Diller Teen Fellowship is a premiere leadership program where 20 Los Angeles teens are paired with 20 teens from Tel Aviv for an 18 month interactive experience, including each group’s visit to the other’s home and community. Applications are now being accepted from current 10th graders for 2012-2013 and can be found at www.westsidejcc.org/teens/diller-teen-fellows.


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