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A Fantastic Morning at El Cab Playday

Despite the rain, the women of El Caballero Country Club came out in record numbers for our annual Playday & Brunch!  This year’s event was held on April 8th at El Cab and featured a moving presentation by our keynote speaker, Oshra Friedman.

After sharing her story about her journey from Ethiopia to the refugee camps of Sudan to Jerusalem, Oshra thanked the El Cab women for their continued support of the most vulnerable members of the Jewish community, as well as their staunch commitment to Israel.

Our program continued with the presentation of the 2016 Golda Award to our own Karen Getelman — this honor is given annually to a woman who demonstrates outstanding leadership and commitment to philanthropy and community service. Karen accepted the honor and delivered a moving speech about why she chooses to give back through our Federation, referencing Winston Churchill’s famous remarks: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Following the program, guests enjoyed a delicious brunch before heading off to play their respective games – golf, mahjong, bridge, Scrabble, and canasta!

Special thanks to our 2016 Playday Committee: Playday Chairs Georgia Capo, Jan Field, and Jenni Glancy; El Cab Women’s Chair Alison Diamond; and El Cab Women’s Campaign Chair Claire Marks for all their hard work in making the event such a success!

The members of El Caballero Country Club and The Jewish Federation share a special relationship, built upon a long history of shared values. Events at El Cab are held regularly, with club members joining in to plan and enjoy days of fun and philanthropy.

For more information about Playday or Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy, please contact Jenna Fields at JFields@JewishLA.org or (818) 668-2340.


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