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A Celebration of the Richard S. Ziman Tzedakah Box Collection

On March 5th, community members joined to commemorate Richard S. Ziman’s generous gift to Jewish Federation Los Angeles — his Tzedakah Box Collection, now on permanent display at the Federation’s Goldsmith Center.

Comprised of over 250 historic tzedakah boxes originating from countries all across the Jewish world, this collection will serve as a continuous symbol of our shared heritage, the Jewish value of tzedakah — charity — and community.

Guests arrived Sunday morning to enjoy a beautifully presented brunch and hear a collection of remarks highlighting the importance of this Jewish value. Jay Sanderson, Federation President & CEO, welcomed guests and discussed how Mr. Ziman’s collection reflects the overall Federation spirit and mission.

Mr. Ziman then shared how his passion for tzedakah developed and flourished into the collection, thanking his family and colleagues for their support and help with its fruition. “This is for me a golden opportunity, because these boxes not only represent the mission of our Federation, but also the significant mission and commitment of my own life and the life of my parents,” he said.

Richard Ziman and Jay Sanderson, President & CEO of Jewish Federation Los Angeles

Jonathan Greenstein, President of J. Greenstein & Company, Inc., followed, sharing the historical and cultural importance of Judaica and of the collection. He expressed to Ziman, “May your collection continue to inspire people not only to give charity, but also to collect ritual objects, bringing the generations that have preceded them close to their hearts.”

Rabbi Kalman Topp, Senior Rabbi of Beth Jacob Congregation, told a Passover story about the mitzvah of tzedakah, expressing its centrality to the mission of the Federation and of Judaism itself. “Countless people who come to visit the exhibit will learn about their Jewish history and be reminded of this important mitzvah of tzedakah,” he said.

Guests left with the collection’s colorful tzedakah box catalogue, which details each unique box’s material and origin.

From Left to Right: Richard Ziman; Gray Davis, Former Governor of California;
Jerry Coben, Board Member of Jewish Federation Los Angeles

For more information about the Richard S. Ziman Tzedakah Box Collection, please contact Lainie Polland atLPolland@JewishLA.org.

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