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Distinguished Lions of Los Angeles

Two weeks ago, we posted a blog about our Federation’s Lions of Judah, how women can become Lions, and what this incredible group accomplishes with their philanthropic support. This week we’d like to introduce you to two of our Lions who have gone above and beyond in their commitment to our Federation’s Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy.

These women will be honored with awards presented at the upcoming Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby and Lion of Judah Luncheon on Tuesday, February 17th.

Ada Horwich
Lea Rabin Award Honoree

I was 23, just home from the Peace Corps, when my sister invited me to a Jewish women’s brunch.  That was my first event, and my first gift… $35. Ever since, my husband Jim and I have made Federation a “member” of our family. When we contribute tzedakah, our gift to Federation is number one.  We had our daughters answer the phone on Super Sunday when they were very young to instill the importance of supporting our community.  I am proud to say they continue to support Federation and other worthy causes. Social responsibility to help one another and the importance of ensuring the Jewish future are values we instill. Providing homecare for Holocaust survivors is especially important to me. I am so fortunate and proud to be connected to our Federation’s meaningful work. This year I am promoting a King David Society Mission: Israel Unparalleled – a Food, Wine and Art Trip. If you can, please join us. 

The Lea Rabin Award, named after the wife of former Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin, is presented annually to a Lion at the Chai level who has demonstrated successful leadership in Women’s Philanthropy as well as active involvement in our Federation and the general community. It is the highest honor awarded within Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy. 

Amy Masor
Ruby Award Honoree

About 30 years ago I was invited to learn about Federation in a Women’s program called Dor Hadash. Sometime afterward I was invited to be on the Women’s Philanthropy Board. It is an honor and a privilege to work with these smart, committed and compassionate leaders. I became a Lion in 1998 after my sister-in-law, Sandra Zimmerman z”l, asked me to join her. I did not realize then how significant that decision was. I am helping Federation address issues and problems that are important to me. It provides the opportunity to connect with women who share my passion to ensure the Jewish future and help so many in need. I am humbled to have been selected to receive this year’s Ruby Award at the Lion of Judah Luncheon. To follow those I admire and respect, the women previously recognized for their commitment to the work of our Federation, is truly an honor.

The Ruby Award, given out annually to a Lion who supports our Federation at the Ruby level, honors achievements in Women’s Philanthropy leadership roles and a strong commitment to community service.

Ada and Amy will be honored at our upcoming Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby & Lion of Judah Luncheon on Tuesday, February 17th. If you are interested in becoming a Lion of Judah or would like to attend the luncheon, please contact Jenna Fields at (818) 668-2340 or JFields@JewishLA.org for the Valley, or Karen Sternfeld at (323) 761-8275 or KSternfeld@JewishLA.org for the City.

Buy tickets for this year’s Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby & Lion of Judah Luncheon.


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