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The Actions We Take

I am writing to you from my seat on an El Al flight headed to Israel. After the frightening antisemitic acts of last week and after over 4,400 rockets rained over Israel, I am proud to be joining a small group of national leaders on a Jewish Federations of North America Leadership and Solidarity Mission. Our fantastic Chair of Community Relations CeCe Feiler is joining me.

Through my life and during my 11½ years as our Jewish Federation’s President and CEO, I have made this trip when our brothers and sisters have been suffering. We have always cared for our most vulnerable in Los Angeles and Israel and around the world. Through our historic relationship with the Jewish Agency and the JDC, we have focused on doing the important work we do here around the world especially in times of crisis. We established our partnership with the Israel Trauma Coalition to address the impact of that terror and trauma — especially on children, families, and seniors including Holocaust survivors.

Today, as proven by the dramatic increase of antisemitism and hate against Jews, we are all more vulnerable.

We made our community’s safety and security a top priority in 2011 when we created CSI, our Community Security Initiative, and we are even more committed to you, your family, and our treasured Jewish institutions today.

As I write to you, I am also troubled by the growing divisions and polarization in our community. I care deeply about our community, and I am committed to listening and healing.

I am making this trip because I believe that it’s not the statements we make — it’s the actions we take — that make the most impact.

I look forward to writing more during my short trip.

Thank you for being an important part of our community.

In solidarity,

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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