Uyghur Human Rights Project
L’Dor V’Dor: Ignite the Fire and Pass it from Generation to Generation
Ignite the fire and pass it from generation to generation at The Jewish Federation’s Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy’s Annual L’Dor V’Dor Luncheon. Join passionate women recognizing a deserving honoree and hearing an entertaining guest speaker. Show your generosity and philanthropic support to ensure the Jewish future. Make a gift to the Federation and continue the…
Making an Impact
“Experience the profound impact of Jewish summer camp on children and young adults. Join us in supporting the Tour de Summer Camps, a community-wide fundraising event that raises millions of dollars to send kids to life-changing Jewish summer camps in Los Angeles. Rain or shine, our community comes together for a common purpose.”
MainStage: Be Inspired, Be Social, Be Generous!
Join us at MainStage, the Jewish Federation’s annual young adult fundraiser on November 29th at Avalon Hollywood. Be inspired, be social, be generous! Last year, young professionals brought in over $1 million to help the Federation. Don’t miss out on this night full of food, talent, drinks and more! Get your ticket now at…
Tour de Summer Camps – Meet Rider Jonathan Ahdoot
Join us for the 4th annual Tour de Summer Camps on October 30th! Help send more kids to Jewish summer camp and create lifelong connections to Jewish identity and values. Meet rider Jonathan Ahdoot, who is riding 18 miles for this compelling cause. Sign up to ride, volunteer, or donate today! Visit the Tour de…
Leadership, Memory, Community, Future and Hope
Reflecting on the past year, we mourn the loss of five influential leaders in our Jewish community, including Bram Goldsmith, Jona Goldrich, Chuck Boxenbaum, Osias “Ozzie” Goren, and Shimon Peres. Each of them taught us valuable lessons in leadership, memory, community, future planning, and hope. Their legacies inspire our Federation as we work towards a…
The City of Los Angeles Celebrates Rosh Hashanah
“Join the City of Los Angeles in celebrating Rosh Hashanah at City Hall. Jewish Federation Los Angeles gathers with city council members, rabbis, and community members to ring in the New Year. Hear the resounding sound of the shofar and enjoy apples and honey for a sweet start to the year. Don’t miss the special…
I Must Confess
“Discover the power and impact of your gift to our Annual Campaign. Join us as we strengthen our community, support Israel, and rescue Jews in distress. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of every Jewish individual. Make your contribution today and be part of our transformed and efficient Federation.”
The Legacy of Shimon Peres
Shimon Peres, the father of modern Israel, dedicated his life to the pursuit of peace. His legacy as a world leader and visionary continues to inspire us. Peres received numerous accolades, including the Nobel Peace Prize. His impact on the international community is immeasurable. We are honored to have hosted him in Los Angeles and…
The Federation is Everywhere
The Federation is everywhere, working tirelessly to touch every Jewish life in Los Angeles, Israel, and the world. We prioritize safety, supporting Jewish schools and synagogues, and empowering Jewish students on college campuses. We also foster connections with Israel through twinning programs and educational opportunities. With our commitment to making a difference, you can trust…
Birthright Israel: A Once-In-A-Lifetime Experience!
Birthright Israel registration is now open! Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity to experience Israel and form lifelong friendships. Hear from a recent participant about their once-in-a-lifetime experience and why they encourage others to go. Jewish Federation Los Angeles offers nearly 20 trips each year for young Angelenos. Visit for more information. #LAX2TLV…
Mother and Daughter Lions
Join the International Lion of Judah Conference and connect with passionate women from around the world. Marcia and Lisa, a mother-daughter Lion duo, share their inspiring stories and the impact of being a Lion. Attend the September Conference to bond with loved ones and make a meaningful difference in the Jewish community. Contact (323) 761-8275…
What It Means To Be A Lion
Become a Lion of Judah and support the impactful work of our Federation. Attend the International Lion of Judah Conference to meet incredible women making a difference. Hear firsthand how your support changes lives. Join the international organization and proudly wear a gold or platinum pin, marked with diamonds or rubies. Contact us to become…
Proud to be a Lion
Become a Lion of Judah and join a group of committed and generous women who take responsibility for their communities. Attend the International Lion of Judah Conference in Washington, D.C. to expand your knowledge of the Jewish community and make new friendships. Contact us to become a Lion and proudly wear a stunning gold or…
Lion of Judah
Become a Lion and make an impact on your community. Lions of Judah is a group of philanthropic women dedicated to the work of The Jewish Federation. Join us at the International Lion of Judah Conference to connect with incredible women, hear inspiring speakers, and contribute to changing the world. Contact us to become a…
We Are Lions, Hear Us Roar!
Become a Lion and join the Lion of Judah conference to make a difference in the Jewish community. Connect with powerful and generous women who are committed to philanthropy and leadership. Wear a striking pin that symbolizes your increased commitment to the Federation’s work. Contact (323) 761-8275 or (818) 668-2340 for more information on how…
Celebrating 20 Years! The Tel Aviv/Los Angeles School Twinning Program
Celebrate 20 years of the Tel Aviv/Los Angeles School Twinning Program! This transformative program connects students, families, and communities in Los Angeles, Tel Aviv, and Vilnius. The recent seminar in Budapest focused on Jewish Peoplehood and provided coordinators with valuable insights and best practices. Join one of the largest student delegation-based programs in the Jewish…
We Are Proud To Be Different
We are proud to be different from other organizations in North America. Our purpose is to support and ignite our Jewish community by addressing our greatest challenges. We are currently focused on providing a path to a meaningful Jewish life for adults with special needs in Los Angeles. Through partnerships and initiatives like LAJAC, we…
Have you ever met a Lion?
Become a Lion of Judah and join an inspiring group of philanthropic women. Attend the International Lion of Judah Conference in Washington D.C. and connect with others who believe in giving back. Find out how to become a Lion and get more information on the upcoming conference by contacting Ronda Wilken or Karen Sternfeld.