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Look Back and Pay it Forward in 2016

As the end of the year approaches, our Federation can proudly look back on a year in which, together, with the generous support of our community, we touched hundreds of thousands of lives in Los Angeles, Israel and the world—starting with yours.

  • Here in Los Angeles, we made synagogues, Jewish schools, and other Jewish organizations and events safer for you through the guidance and watchful eye of our Federation’s Community Security Initiative.
  • In Israel, we trained 40 emergency teams and 100 parent guidance groups and held 10 first responder workshops to help our Israeli family deal with the ongoing effect of terror and better prepare for future conflict.
  • In the Baltics, we provided 3,795 elderly Jews with food, medicine and human comfort so they could live their lives with dignity and gain peace of mind that they are not alone.

If you want to show that you’re grateful for a safer Jewish L.A., or show how invested you are in both our local and global Jewish communities, now is the time. With your support before the end of the year, we can continue accomplishing all of the above—and touch many more lives—in 2016.

Pay it forward–give now

Wishing you all the best in 2016!

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