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Fighting Antisemitism and Hate in Los Angeles

Since last weekend, when Jews were preparing to gather for Sukkot, we have been tracking a series of racist and antisemitic incidents in and around Los Angeles.  

These incidents have caused a great deal of concern. As always, our Federation has met these challenges head-on to preserve the security and sanctity of Jewish Los Angeles. Our investment in leadership, in relationships with elected officials, and with media outlets uniquely positions us to represent the Jewish community and our values to build stronger bridges, protect the community, and fight hate and antisemitism.

Kanye West 

The raging antisemitic comments made by Kanye West made over social media are both despicable and dangerous. We posted the following on social media: 

Just like many of you, we are following and alarmed by the blatantly antisemitic rhetoric Kanye West is posting and we call for the social media platforms he is using to help stop the spread of this hate. Mr. West has tens of millions of followers and his hateful speech is further spread and elevated to millions by media outlets around the world. We are deeply concerned about the impact these words have on especially young people. Our Community Security Initiative (CSI) works year-round monitoring antisemitic language and threats locally and globally. We must take these social media posts and their possible consequences seriously and protect the safely and security of our people from this type of despicable hate. 

Antisemitic Stickers on Los Angeles Billboards 

Antisemitic stickers were placed on several billboards in the Fairfax District and off the 101 Freeway over the last few days. Upon learning of them, we immediately contacted LAPD and the billboard company. Fortunately, the stickers were quickly taken down.   

Racist and Antisemitic Comments by Los Angeles City Councilmembers 

As we celebrated Sukkot, we learned of the racist and antisemitic remarks made behind closed doors by Los Angeles City Councilmembers and a top County labor official. We made the following post condemning these remarks: 

We are appalled by the racist, antisemitic, and derisive remarks by members of our Los Angeles City Council. We hold our elected officials to a higher standard as values driven leaders who should unite and embrace our city’s rich diversity. As a historically targeted minority group, Jews understand how hateful speech by leaders can lead to hateful actions. We do not tolerate bigotry; leaders should be held accountable for their actions. Jewish Federation Los Angeles stands in solidarity with those who see Los Angeles as a welcoming, diverse, and supportive city.  

  • In addition, we have reached out personally to the elected officials directly targeted by these terrible remarks to assure them of our support in their time of pain and need.  
  • We have also reached out to civic leaders with whom we have deep relationships in the black and brown communities. Some are people who have traveled to Israel with us, some have sat on interfaith councils with us, and other leaders we have met through our Community Engagement programming.  
  • Our Community Engagement team convened our Civic Partners for an event in the Federation Sukkah. These partners represent the beautiful diversity that is the fabric of our city. While this program was planned months ago, it was a wonderful opportunity to come together during this painful time.  

Los Angeles Mayoral Forum  

The race for mayor is a critical one during a critical time in our city. We are proud to partner with ADL Los Angeles and AJC Los Angeles to host a mayoral forum for the upcoming election on Wednesday, October 26th 5:00 PM on Zoom.  

The forum will provide the candidates – Congresswoman Karen Bass and Mr. Rick Caruso – the opportunity to voice their stance on issues germane to our community. We are eager to provide our community an opportunity to directly learn about the candidates’ views on and feelings about issues impacting our Jewish Los Angeles and the city as a whole. 

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