Gindi Maimonides Academy – 8th Grade Graduation
Gindi Maimonides Academy 8511 Beverly Place, Los Angeles, CA, USGindi Maimonides Academy – 8th Grade Graduation
Gindi Maimonides Academy – 8th Grade Graduation
YULA High School Graduation
Participatory Israeli Dancing for people with at least some Israeli Dance experience. Most dances do not require a partner.
Participatory Israeli Dancing for people with at least some Israeli Dance experience. Most dances do not require a partner.
The Impact Forum is an exclusive network of philanthropists based in Los Angeles. Our mission is to connect like-minded philanthropists with exceptional nonprofit organizations that fight antisemitism, strengthen the American […]
Participatory Israeli Dancing for people with at least some Israeli Dance experience. Most dances do not require a partner.
On Sunday, September 14, 2025, Sharsheret will gather on Dockweiler Beach for our 4th Annual West Coast Dash in support of our breast and ovarian cancer work. Our run/walk will include a 5K, 10K, Family Fun Race, and Event Festival. There is a virtual option available. All ages, abilities and strollers welcome.
Annual women’s luncheon where we will be awarding the Sylvia Award.
Annual women’s luncheon where we will be awarding the Jackie Award
Annual women’s luncheon where we will be awarding the Golda Award