Shalhevet High School Placement Testing
910 South Fairfax Los Angeles, CA, USIncoming 9th grade placemement testing.
Incoming 9th grade placemement testing.
Gala for AJU
VBS Annual Gala celebrating 75 years.
The Impact Forum is an exclusive network of philanthropists based in Los Angeles. Our mission is to connect like-minded philanthropists with exceptional nonprofit organizations that fight antisemitism, strengthen the American […]
Annual Dinner for Temple Beth Am and our Pressman Academy. Details coming soon!
Gindi Maimonides Academy – Parent Teacher Conferences
Gindi Maimonides Academy – Trustee Dinner
Gindi Maimonides Academy – Trustee Dinner
YULA, Boys Division Torah Celebration
Join us at YULA, Girls Division, for a joyous Torah Celebration! Array of activities and programs await you as we come together to honor and rejoice in the teachings of the Torah. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event filled with spirituality and unity. Reserve your spot today and be a part of this remarkable experience!